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Life is supposed to feel good

My name is Samantha

and I believe love is the ground of all reality, the source of life energy, and the answer to all of our problems. I’m a certified Martha Beck life coach specializing in overcoming self criticism and painful limiting beliefs and calling in genuine joy and happiness. My favorite clients are those who feel a deep, intuitive pull to bring more love and peace into this world, however that may look for them. Habitat restoration? Unschooling? Sound healing? Running a non-exploitative business? Breaking harmful generational patterns? Yes to all of the above! My clients want to make the world a better place and have an inner knowing that they are meant to participate and assist in elevating human consciousness. They have felt “different” their whole lives, like a round peg being forced into a square hole. To these soul sisters and brothers I say, it's time to rethink the old societal structures and be your full, authentic, thriving selves. Let's do this!


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